Pop-Up Parliament
Proposed photomontage in context

Max Dewdney and No-To Scale

Project Description

Pop-Up Parliament is a temporary summer pavilion on Regent’s Canal that will be an informal space for talks and debate aimed at engaging young people with politics. The pavilion will be moored within Hoxton Dock and house a publicly accessible library of political material provided by Hackney libraries/museums.

Built on an existing steel barge the Pop-Up Parliament is an open-air structure with a light yellow coloured transparent roof that contains a debating chamber and reading space for up to 30 people. The seating contains storage for up to 200 books and the pavilion has outdoor lighting and a microphone for talks.

Pop-Up parliament creates a transformational space and atmosphere for young people to explore ideas around change, politics, education and design. The pavilion will be coloured in a magnificent yellow light that offers an alternative cultural space from the everyday, a temporary structure for young people to make their own positive contribution to the future.

Max Dewdney Architects are locally based in Hackney. We specialise in community, cultural and exhibition design projects. We create playful and interactive spatial experiences out of sites diverse in size and scope. Our design approach focuses on collaboration and innovation, using colour for place-making and transformational spaces. We also teach and work with young people.

Events / Benefits

• Youth debating chamber

• Design summer school

• Reading space / pop up library

• Storey telling space

• Fund raising space

• Covered space for all weathers

• Space for collaboration

• Alternative space for young people’s ideas

Proposed photomontage in context
Proposed floor plan
Proposed exploded axonometric
November 3, 2020